Dr. Monica Bennett

Dr. Monica Bennett is  a Naturopathic Doctor as well as a Licensed Life Success Consultant. She works with clients to take them from the brink of possibility to the path of infinite probability. She has owned and operated a successful horticultural business for over 20 years, and now integrates the laws of the natural world with her coaching practice.


In her studies she has come to realize the intricate relationship between the body, mind, spirit, and emotional aspects of one’s life. She is now truly excited, and grateful to be a life success consultant as well as a Naturopath, and be in a position to assist people in achieving whatever it is that they want in life. She has spent many years studying the principles that apply to the forces that motivate the most successful people and how this process can work for anyone.


Dr. Bennett is available to speak on topics related to the balance of body, mind, spirit and emotion and the pursuit and achievement of success.