Ilene Corina is a Board-Certified Patient Advocate and the President and founder of Pulse Center for Patient Safety Education & Advocacy. “Pulse” is a community-based patient safety organization founded in 1996 to support people who have had unplanned outcomes in their medical care or treatment. Using the patients’ experience, she develops programs related to patient safety and advocacy. Ilene was selected by Becker’s Hospital Review as one of the “50 Experts Leading the Field of Patient Safety,” and
Modern Healthcare’s “100 Most Influential People in Healthcare.” She attended the American Hospital Association / National Patient Safety Foundation Patient Safety Leadership Training where she developed the LI Patient Safety Advisory Council/Healthcare Equality Project focusing on patient safety education for vulnerable at-risk populations and focuses on the disparities in healthcare and patient safety. Corina is a nationally recognized advocate for patient safety and has over 1,000 hours visiting hospitalized patients.
Corina was on national patient safety boards including The Joint Commission from 2005 through 2018 and The National Patient Safety Foundation from 2002 through 2017. She has won many awards for her work as an educator and an advocate. She speaks at medical conferences and conducts community workshops and programs to help people learn to become an advocate for loved ones and has done numerous interviews on the topic for media. Ilene began her journey into patient safety in 1996 following personal experience.
Her presentations focus on encouraging families to advocate for one another through
the healthcare system